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Learn Korean verbs

Daily Korean vocabulary

Here we will share a basic Korean verbs, that you will need in a daily life.
This list will be updated continuesly (also same words will be shared on our Facebook and Instagram accounts – 1 word per day), so you can learn new Korean words and update your vocabulary every day!

Korean verb Romanization Meaning
1 하다 ha-da to do
2  자다 ja-da to sleep
3  사랑하다  sa-rang-ha-da to love
4 먹다   meok-da to eat
5  마시다 ma-si-da to drink
6  사다  sa-da to buy
7  만나다  man-na-da to meet
8  오다 o-da to come
9  서다 seo-da to stand
10  춤추다 chum-chu-da to dance
11  말하다  mal-ha-da to speak
12  요리하다  yo-ri-ha-da to cook
13  보다  bo-da to see
14  노래하다  no-rae-ha-da to sing
15  수영하다  su-yeong-ha-da to swim
16  끝나다  kkeut-na-da to finish
17  청소하다  cheong-so-ha-da to clean
18  사용하다  sa-yong-ha-da to use
19  세다 se-da to count
20  돕다  dob-da to help
21  이다  i-da to be
22  가지다 / 있다  ka-ji-da to have
23  읽다  ilg-da to read
24  달리다  dal-li-da to run
25  공부하다  gong-bu-ha-da to study
26  듣다  deut-da to hear
27  앉다  an-da to sit
28  걷다  geot-da to walk
29  쓰다  sseu-da to write
30  배우다  bae-u-da to learn
31  부르다  bu-reu-da to call
32  일하다  il-ha-da to work
33  필요하다 pi-ryo-ha-da to need
34  여행하다 yeo-haeng-ha-da to travel
35  좋아하다 joa-ha-da to like
36  씻다 ssit-da to wash
37  방문하다 bang-mun-ha-da to visit
38  원하다 won-ha-da to want
39 사람을 알다   sa-ram-eul al-da to know someone
40  무엇인가를 알다  mu-eot-in-ga-eul al-da to know something
41 놀다   nol-da to play
42 일어나다  i-reo-na-da to get up
43  빨래하다 ppa-llae-ha-da to do laundry
44  그만하다  keu-man-ha-da to quit / to end
45 주다 ju-da to give
46 가다 ka-da to go
47 만들다 man-deul-da to make
48 울다 ul-da to cry
49 웃다 ut-da to laugh
50 운전하다 un-jeon-ha-da to drive
51 입다 ib-da to wear
52 나가다 na-ga-da to exit
53 들어오다 deul-eo-o-da to enter
54 열다 yeol-da to open
55 닫다 tat-da to close
56 쉬다 swi-da to rest
57 생각하다 saeng-gak-ha-da to think
58 물어보다 mur-eo-bo-da to ask
59 기다리다 gi-da-ri-da to wait
60 내다 nae-da to pay
61 준비하다 jun-bi-ha-da to prepare
62 기억하다 gi-eok-ha-da to remember
63 꿈꾸다 kkum-kku-da to dream
64 시작하다 si-jak-ha-da to start
65 보내다 bo-nae-da to send
66 팔다 pal-da to sell
67 출발하다 chul-bal-ha-da to depart
68 도착하다 do-chak-ha-da to arrive
69 싸우다 ssa-ho-da to fight
70 죄송하다 joe-song-ha-da to be sorry
71 알다 al-da to know
72 모르다 mo-reu-da to not know
73 약속하다 yak-sok-ha-da to promise
74 거짓말하다 go-jit-mal-ha-da to lie
75 고백하다 go-baek-ha-da to confess
76 싫어하다 si-reo-ha-da to hate, dislike
77 결혼하다 gyeol-hon-ha-da to marry
78 축하하다 chuk-ha-ha-da to congratulate
79 걱정하다 geok-jeong-ha-da to worry
80 타다 ta-da to ride
81 끓이다 kkeu-ri-da to boil
82 썰다 sseol-da to chop, to slice
83 튀기다 tui-gi-da to deep fry
84 재다 jae-da to measure, to weigh
85 섞다 sseok-da to mix, to blend
86 굽다 gup-da to roast, to grill, to bake
87 볶다 bok-da to fry
88 찌다 jji-da to steam
89 휘젓다 hwi-jeot-da to stir
90 운동하다 un-don-ha-da to exercise
91 이기다 i-gi-da to win, to defeat
92 지다 ji-da to lose, to be defeated
93 찾다 chat-da to find, to look for
94 소개하다 so-gae-ha-da to introduce
95 이야기하다 i-ya-gi-ha-da to talk, to chat
96 태어나다 tae-eo-na-da to be born
97 살다 sal-da to live
98 죽다 chuk-da to die
99 연습하다 yeon-seub-ha-da to practice
100 찍다 jjik-da to take (picture)
101 신다 sin-da to wear (shoes, socks, footwear)
102 빌리다 pil-ee-da to borrow
103 전화하다 jeon-hwa-ha-da to telephone
104 없다 eob-da to not have
105 대답하다 dae-dap-ha-da to answer
106 벗다 beot-da to undress, take off clothes
107 서두르다 seo-du-reu-da to hurry, rush
108 믿다 mit-da to believe
109 고르다 go-reu-da to choose
110 누르다 nu-reu-da to press
111 가르치다 ga-reu-chi-da to teach
112 감추다 gam-chu-da to hide
113 기대하다 gi-dae-ha-da to expect
114 날다 nal-da to fly
115 더하다 deo-ha-da to add
116 던지다 meon-ji-da to throw
117 마련하다 ma-ryeon-ha-da to prepare, to arrange
118 만지다 man-ji-da to touch
119 밀다 mil-da to push
120 졸업하다 jol-eob-ha-da to graduate
121 진행되다 jing-haeng-doe-da to progress, to proceed
122 요구하다 yong-gu-ha-da to request, to demand
123 씹다 ssip-da to chew, to bite
124 쏟아지다 ssot-da-ji-da to pour
125 심다 sim-da to plant
126 내려오다 nae-ryeo-o-da to come down
127 싣다 sit-da to load
128 실패하다 sil-pae-ha-da to fail
129 싸다 ssa-da to wrap, to pack
130 젖다 jeot-da to get wet
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